Sunday, 9 April 2017


During the second week of this module, I set myself two objectives on how to improve my communication skills. The first objective was to improve my knowledge of vocabulary and subsequently, continue to improve on how I phrased my sentence when communicating with others be it in a presentation or just a light banter with my peers. I felt that I have made improvements on my vocabulary knowledge by reading up blogs from my peers who have relatively strong foundation in English and also reading up article when we were tasked to complete class exercises during the module. The second objective comes with practice, even though I did not have much time to focus on it, however, I still managed to improve it by constantly reminding myself to think carefully before I speak. I have tried to speak less ‘singlish’ but sometimes it’s just inevitable. There are many approached in communicating and having to speak a particular method due to job nature would subconsciously become a reflex and can be challenging to change. By speaking to various people of different background, we must adjust our language and tone as so to communicate effectively with others.

A take away from module which would affect my future endeavor will be emotional intelligence. After doing some studies on the Goleman’s framework, I begin to have a deeper understanding and how the two major characteristic plays an important role in our lives. Form the framework I understand that different people are equipped with different qualities and tend to deviate either more to the self or the social characteristics. This helps me to understand what kind of attribute others are lacking and react in accordance to their needs and wants. Emotional intelligence can be linked to many skills such as managing conflict, or to communicate by observing emotions. All in all, I feel that this module have taught me valuable life skills which cannot be easily obtain.